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Accepted Grant Applications

This page provides a comprehensive overview of all grant application documents applied through the SoulForge program. Each entry includes links to the project's website, grant application document, and code repository, offering a transparent view of the project's status and progress.


Important Notes

  1. Grant Independence: While some links may point to established projects, please note that SoulForge grant applications are often independent initiatives, separate from other work conducted by the teams.

  2. Terminations: This page includes information about grants terminated due to breaches of the SoulForge grant program terms. However, it's important to note that teams may choose to discontinue work on a grant for various reasons without terminating the project itself. Such decisions are not reflected in this overview.

  3. Application vs. Delivery: There is a clear distinction between a grant application being accepted and the successful delivery of the project. Acceptance does not guarantee successful completion.

  4. Public Announcements: Only teams that have successfully delivered a milestone are authorized to make public announcements about their SoulForge grant.

  5. Regular Updates: This page is updated regularly to reflect the most current status of each grant project.

TeamProjectLinkTerminatedFirst DeliveryCompleted
